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Discover. Connect. Celebrate.









Join us at EPFL Innovation Park's Incubator for a day rich in innovation and discovery at the bi-annual La Forge DemoDay. Experience the enthusiasm and potential as we spotlight promising deep-tech start-ups from Western Switzerland. 



16:00 Visit of startups' booths
17:30 Start of the event - Introduction
17:40 Pitches of La Forge startups
18:15 "Open Mic" pitch competition open to everyone
18:30 Networking aperitif & Visit of startups' booths
19:30 End of the event

Here’s a snapshot of what awaits


Pitching Competition

Join us in a moment where ideas take the spotlight. Watch as La Forge start-ups share their journeys and solutions, turning complex tech into easy-to-understand pitches.


Relatable Networking

Engage and learn with a vibrant community of innovators, investors, and tech enthusiasts. A space where you can meet, share, and perhaps, collaborate.

Discover innovations

Discover Innovations

Journey through our booths and witness forward-thinking technologies and applications in areas ranging from AI to Biotech, offering a sneak peek into the future of tech.

"Leaders become great not because of their power, but because of their ability to empower others."
-John Maxwell

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Although you can come by car, we would like to encourage you to use public transport given the ease of access. 

Three train stations are close to EPFL Innovation Park:
Visit for schedules

From Renens VD station
When you arrive at Renens, take the M1 metro to the «EPFL» stop

From Lausanne station or Morges station
You can take the metro or the bus to the EPFL Campus.

Metro M2 and M1:
Take the M2 metro one stop to «Lausanne-Flon», then take the M1 metro for about 10 minutes to « EPFL »
For M1 and M2 metro timetables, visit
From the «EPFL» stop, walk (10') to «La diagonale» and then you’ll arrive at the EPFL Innovation Park.

Bus lines TL (Public Transport of the Lausanne area) and MBC (Transport Region Morges) run in western Lausanne:
MBC bus 701 : Echichens, Morges, Préverenges, EPFL, Bourdonnette
MBC bus 705 : Lonay , Préverenges, Denges, Echandens, Ecublens, EPFL
TL bus 31 : Renens-Gare, EPFL-UNIL, Saint-Sulpice, Venoge
TL bus 1 : Lausanne-Gare, EPFL-Colladon - From Monday to Friday between 6.30am and 9am and between 3.30pm and 7pm, with a frequency of around 7.5 minutes

Take the highway A1 and follow direction «LAUSANNE-SUD» and exit at «EPFL». When you arrive, there are visitor parking places (white spaces) as indicated on the map. Payment using parking meter, Parkingpay, EasyPark or Twint

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About La Forge

Located at the heart of the EPFL Innovation Park, La Forge is an incubator for early-stage startups and young companies with a connection to EPFL. In this supportive environment, selected fledgling businesses can build a useful network of like-minded entrepreneurs, meet potential investors, refine their business models and acquire new skills to get their companies off to a flying star.

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About EPFL Innovation Park

Founded 30 years ago, EPFL Innovation Park – originally called Science Park – manages 13 buildings and offers a location for national and international companies in the heart of the campus of the Swiss Federal Institute of Lausanne (EPFL). It promotes collaborations with researchers from EPFL and technology transfer. In this modern world, coexist about twenty large companies and over 100 startups. About 2’000 people work together with skills as diverse as biotechnology, micro and nanotechnology, information technology and communication, etc.

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